Yaşar ErdinLevent Uzun. Lots of innovations have been introduced into our lives with the 21st century. They offer great affordances and are benefited in every sphere of life. Therefore, actors in educational environments, especially teachers, have to keep pace with such changes, which requires being competent in the use of technological devices. Starting from this point of view, this study attempts to find out how Turkish teachers of English are doing in this process, and if such variables as their sex, age, what level they teach, whether they teach at a private or state institution, how long they have been teaching, and the duration of time they spend in technological environments affect their perceived technology proficiency. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning. Research Article. Create Research Close. References Abdallah, E. Assistive technology for deaf people based on android platform. Procedia Computer Science, 94, Akcaoğlu, M. Exploring technology integration approaches and practices of preservice and in-service English language teachers Middle East Technical University. Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Preservice teachers' abilities, beliefs, and intentions regarding technology integration. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 37 2 Ardıç, Ö. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5 1— Determination of technopedagogical content knowledge competencies of preservice physical education teachers: A Turkish sample. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 34 2 Atar, C. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15 3— Sakarya University Journal of Education, 9 3— Educational Psychologist, 28 0553 107 83 40 Escort— International Journal of Educational Technology, 5 246— Basal, A. The implementation of a flipped classroom in foreign language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 16 4 Başal, A. Perceptions of pre-service English teachers towards the use of digital badges. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 57 2— Is the classroom obsolete in the twenty-first century?. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49 8 0553 107 83 40 Escort, Benitt, N. Second Handbook of English Language Teaching, Beşoluk, Ş. Educational technology usage of pre-service and in-service science and technology teachers. Elementary Education Online, 9 1— Biernacki, P. Gen Y: Who they are and how they learn.
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